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Margarita Dadykina

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Bio Margarita Dadykina was born in Ukrainian USSR and since she was 5 she studied piano in a specialized musical school, but she always wanted to go the other way and draw people, that was her hobby since she was 2. After many events in her life she graduated from University in Moscow with a BA in linguistics and teaching and started working as interpreter and translator. She thought art was out of her life and out of question but suddenly she found a short guidance on internet how to make a doll of polymer clay and there her new life started. She found herself. Now she is less then 5 years with dolls but won many Artist dolls' competition worldwide including Hannie Sarris Award (1place 2019) and became a laureate of "History of fashion. Parfume". Now her dolls are in the collections of many doll collectors all around the world: UK, USA, China, Spain, Germany and others, she participates in exhibitions and takes part in Artists' projects. She is a member of Russian Artists' Union (Doll Artists' section) Her dolls are recognized through their deep and philosophic concept and inspired by literature, theater and history.

See below for some examples of her work.


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